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Joe Sullivan | profile | all galleries >> Peace Corps - Zambia >> Peace Corps Zambia - Remember Us for We'll Remember You >> Mwika and My Farmers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mwika and My Farmers

I lived in Mwika, a small village 13 kilometers outside of Kasama, the boma (capital) of Northern Province. My territory was a 20 kilometer radius from Mwika and so I visited farmers in a half a dozen villages. Some of these pictures are also from neighboring PCVs areas.
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Fish farmers standing behind front left headman.JPG
Fish farmers standing behind front left headman.JPG
Zambia - My house with the Silver Streak Trek  .tif
Zambia - My house with the Silver Streak Trek .tif
Zambia - Bathing shelter and Icimbusu.tif
Zambia - Bathing shelter and Icimbusu.tif
Zambia - Boniface Malama rest in peace.jpg
Zambia - Boniface Malama rest in peace.jpg
Zambia - Victoria Mulenga rest in peace.jpg
Zambia - Victoria Mulenga rest in peace.jpg
Gaston Ilungu rest in peace.jpg
Gaston Ilungu rest in peace.jpg
Michael Mwamba rest in peace.jpg
Michael Mwamba rest in peace.jpg
Building a dam for a furrow.JPG
Building a dam for a furrow.JPG
Village kids
Village kids
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