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Studio Shots

Rafael Aviles Photography

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©2016 by Rafael Aviles - All rights reserved
No use granted without express written permission
Wet fleurette Miniature Leaf immersion 2
Pointing the way Leaf immersion Fallen
Falling leaf The remains of summer Shell
Pine cones Chopsticks A rose is a rose is a rose...even when it's fake?
Spoons (not spooning) Universidad de Guanajuato 1974 One of the simple pleasures of life
Hardware Diving tangerines Ready to please
Beer me up! Stuck the landing Getting to the point
Contact Primrose Chrysanthemum v3
Chrysanthemum v2 Chrysanthemum Honeycrisp
Radiant Petals Still life
Portrait Nature Sunflower rewolfnuS
rewolfnuS Sunflower Tomato, tomahto
Still life Sweet cherry Dandelion island
Dandelion Begonia Begonia, up close
Squeeze me... Water worlds Psychedelia
Attentive Fierce eyes Selfie version 2.
Solar eclipse in the making Rolling the dice Shooting stars
Getting lit up? Not an easy task A spoonful of marble
Dropping the bolt Orange you glad I posted this picture? GMO apple
Beach bums Oldies Shells and pebbles
Pebbles Shapes and colors Refraction
There is something screwy around here! Screwed Fun to write with
La hojarasca Impending doom Painted with light
The Glass Apple Hand-cranked coffee mill Fruits
Oh, fork! said the raspberry Still life The tiniest things
Still life Mightier than the sword Bubbles!
What the fork? Blade of grass Progression
Progression Progression Optical illusion (revised)
Daffodil Leafish Coffee sunset
Waiting for the drops to fall... Writer's wish Onion skin
Stir me up Summer beauties Red rose on spilt milk
Study in scarlet Strawberry fountain Strawberries and cream
Cherry bomb Freezing the motion Waterdrop sculptures
Raspberry Shapes, shadows, and color Potpourri
Beech leaves What autumn leaves us... The eyes have it...
Handle with care Jugs, vase, and cup Inspired by Cézanne's Still Life with Jug and Fruits
Tea time Still life Drip, drip, drip...
Playing with my food... Drip, drip, drip... Drip, drip, drip...
Drip, drip, drip... Light and water Mixing colors
Mixing colors Succulent details... Light, colors, curves, and shadows
Light, colors, curves, and shadows Light, colors, curves, and shadows Playing with matches
Playing with matches Playing with matches Nel blu dipinto di blu...
Tempest in a wine glass Searching for water, he found money...but he died of thirst Losing my marbles
Beach in a bottle Sago palm Cascarones and confetti!
Shapes, color, light... Drop drop drop Cascarones!
Shapes, color, light... Drop drop drop The power of my finger...
Splish, splash! THIS IS NOT A DRILL Speedy cyclist.
Just cracking it. Liquid creamsicle or poisonous mushroom? Drip, drip, drip...
We have ejection! Splash! Stretched thin.
Balloon and flowers Always good to have an umbrella, even if it is just a few drops... One Pen, Three Mirrors
Basket Case Coffee! Mightier Than The Sword
Shapes and Color