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Pennsylvania | The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars | Flora | Great Blue Herons | Hummingbirds! | Other Birds | Insects and Spiders! | Studio Shots | Digital Art | Abstracts and Minimalism | Monochrome | Waterfalls | New York, New York | Amazing Adirondacks | Southwest USA | Rhode Island Views | Maine: Acadia National Park | Magnificent New Mexico | Grand Canyon (South Rim) | Scenic San Francisco | Chicago | Rome | México | Paris | Jerez de la Frontera, Spain | Costa Rica | Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain) | Switzerland | Ecuador | Canada | China | Hungary | Catalonia: Besalú and Rupit | Restorations | InBox | Cycling Trips | Family and Friends

Digital Art

Rafael Aviles Photography

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©2016 by Rafael Aviles - All rights reserved
No use granted without express written permission
Just another day in the crazy metropolis Infinity beach The look
Reach for the moon Woman with goggles Vegan lipstick?
Sebastien LeToux, Philadelphia Union Soccer team, 2015 Rappelling in the Hershey Alps What are the odds?
Oh to bee a cat... I have an unconventional relationship with reality… Anyone for light ice cream?
Zipping through the air You can take the cat out of the wild but you can't take the wild out of the cat OOF!
One-track mind Some parks are still open Let's get off this planet
The visions continue Honey, I shrunk my friends Catterfly
Alternative planets Hallucination Waiting for the lightbulb to go on
Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris Autumn blues New York New York
Purple haze When reality floats away... Nude by the window
Italian woman Covered bridge Glenda Sol La Argentinita
Moon watch I’ve got an idea! Supermoon digital art
Leafy Man. From a photo of a tree sculpture in Dijon, France. Fox in forest fantasy Burn, sunset, burn!
Rear view Figments of my imagination... Fired up
Contemplation Dark mood vision. Pennsylvania winter.
And yet...I am still a child. Otomi girl in the water And yet...I see evil.
Katie in the trees Suzette Paola in the flowers
Elba Hevia y Vaca Rebecca Thomas Flamenco Fireworks!