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Great Blue Herons

Rafael Aviles Photography

A collection of photographs of these magnificent birds, as seen in a variety of locales in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Florida. Skilled fishers, graceful fliers, always a joy to watch!

Click on the small images to see them full size or choose Slideshow on the top of the page

©2018 by Rafael Aviles - All rights reserved
No use granted without express written permission

Flying over Lake Galena Wading in Lake Galena One leg stand
Wading in Lake Galena Looking for food Striking a pose
Getting some snacks Heron and friends Sleepy bird
Attentive Wading in the Delaware River Canal On the Delaware Canal
Smell the roses Curly reflection Hiding in the trees
Ready for action And away we go! The sentinel. Peace Valley Park.
Fishing in Lake Galena In Lake Galena Fishing in Lake Galena
Looking for lunch Hunting Success!
Burp! Into the sunset Graceful flier...
In Lake Galena In Ridley Creek In the Perkiomen creek
Piercing eyes A siege of herons Catching some rays
Looking for lunch On the shore of Lake Galena Posing for the camera
By the ocean Taking off Looking for lunch
Intently watching Trying to stay warm A mere snack
Looking for something good to eat Bad hair day? Looking for lunch
Enjoying a midday snack A very blue heron... Lunch time!
Skillful fisher! Tall fellow. Ready for takeoff!
So graceful! On the hunt. Taking off!
Away we go! So graceful! Flying away...
Looking for food. Getting too close! I'm outta here!
Motionless hunter Always on the hunt. Flying in...
By the sea. Fishing. Swooping by...
Looking for lunch Against the orange sky. Taking off.
Did I miss something back there? Keeping his balance. Time to fly!
Still looking. Got one! Stepping on the stones.
Enjoying the shade. I see something... Gaining altitude.
Taking a closer look. Up on a tree. Making its way around the stones.
Reflections... Looking over its shoulder. Up, up, and away!
Gliding gracefully. Still looking. Wading...
Moving on... Intense looks!