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ATSF_Arizona John Sing | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Hi, all,

This is John Sing's PBase photo gallery, with a collection of photos, mostly of model railroading topics and projects, that I've done since 2007.

My original model RR website, at "", is no longer in existence as Comcast at end of October 2015, has discontinued providing personal webspace. Eventually if/when I have time, I will re-constitute the content of that web site on another location.

However, thanks to the Internet Wayback Machine there is (as far as i can tell) a fully functional copy of my old model RR website:

Wayback Machine (the Internet Archive) is a great tool, you can find old web pages as long as you know the URL, for example:

Go to the WayBack Machine at: and look for " " Meanwhile, this PBase album of mine is online, holding many of my model railroad projects.

I hope you enjoy all that you find here.

All the best,

John Sing Modeling the Santa Fe in Arizona in the 50s and 60s
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1st US-theme Model RR Convention in Germany Oct 6-7, 2007
:: 1st US-theme Model RR Convention in Germany Oct 6-7, 2007 ::
:: o_scale_west_2008 ::
National N Scale Convention 2008  Wed June 25
:: National N Scale Convention 2008 Wed June 25 ::
:: national_n_scale_convention_2008_thur_june_26 ::
:: n_scale_convention_2008_friday ::
:: n_scale_convention_2008_saturday ::
:: n_scale_convention_2008_sunday ::
Historic N scale Clinchfield RR - on display at 2008 Natl N Scale Convention
:: Historic N scale Clinchfield RR - on display at 2008 Natl N Scale Convention ::
NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Tues
:: NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Tues ::
NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Wed
:: NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Wed ::
NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Thur
:: NMRA National Convention 2008 pictures from Anaheim - Thur ::
NMRA National Train Show 2008 Anaheim - N scale products
:: NMRA National Train Show 2008 Anaheim - N scale products ::
NMRA National Train Show 2008 Anaheim - Layouts
:: NMRA National Train Show 2008 Anaheim - Layouts ::
Kato Showroom in Tokyo
:: Kato Showroom in Tokyo ::
IBM Information Infrastructure Launch Event - Montpellier France
:: IBM Information Infrastructure Launch Event - Montpellier France ::
:: Coast_Tours_John_Petrovitz ::
:: Coast_Tours_San_Juan_Central ::
:: kato_n_scale_unimate_install ::
:: miniature_wonderland_may_2010 ::
Layout tours from Natl N Scale Convention June 2010 Houston
:: Layout tours from Natl N Scale Convention June 2010 Houston ::
:: nsc2010wed ::
:: nsc2010thurs ::
:: nsc2010friday ::
:: bapm2010 ::
Pacific Coast Region 2010 Convention, Layout Tour, Models
:: Pacific Coast Region 2010 Convention, Layout Tour, Models ::
New Model RR products
:: New Model RR products ::
NMRA 75th Anniversary Show-Tell and Model Contest
:: NMRA 75th Anniversary Show-Tell and Model Contest ::
Andy Sperandeo's HO Santa Fe Cajon Pass layout
:: Andy Sperandeo's HO Santa Fe Cajon Pass layout ::
Bronx Terminal in HO by Tim Warris
:: Bronx Terminal in HO by Tim Warris ::
Tehachapi Loop in N scale by Jim Kelly
:: Tehachapi Loop in N scale by Jim Kelly ::
North American Prototype Modeler's HO club - Milwaukee
:: North American Prototype Modeler's HO club - Milwaukee ::
NMRA 2010 Natl Convention Contest / Show and Tell Room
:: NMRA 2010 Natl Convention Contest / Show and Tell Room ::
Bob Perrin's Illinois Central 92' x 32' HO layout
:: Bob Perrin's Illinois Central 92' x 32' HO layout ::
NMRA 75th Anniversary Convention Layout Tours Overview
:: NMRA 75th Anniversary Convention Layout Tours Overview ::
NMRA 75 Natl Convention Railroad Prototype Modeler's room
:: NMRA 75 Natl Convention Railroad Prototype Modeler's room ::
NMRA 75th Convention Venue Overview
:: NMRA 75th Convention Venue Overview ::
O Scale National Convention 2010 - Santa Clara, Calif
:: O Scale National Convention 2010 - Santa Clara, Calif ::
2010 Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society Convention
:: 2010 Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society Convention ::
Some Sacramento layouts open during NMRA X2011 West National Convention
:: Some Sacramento layouts open during NMRA X2011 West National Convention ::
More models from 2010 SP Historical Society Convention
:: More models from 2010 SP Historical Society Convention ::
Kent Williams' Oregon Washington Navigation & Railway
:: Kent Williams' Oregon Washington Navigation & Railway ::
San Diego Society of N Scale Oct 2010
:: San Diego Society of N Scale Oct 2010 ::
Railroad Prototype Modelers 2010 Naperville Meet
:: Railroad Prototype Modelers 2010 Naperville Meet ::
NMRA British Region 2010 - 65th Annual Convention
:: NMRA British Region 2010 - 65th Annual Convention ::
NMRA British Region 65th annual convention - Saturday 10/23/2010
:: NMRA British Region 65th annual convention - Saturday 10/23/2010 ::
NMRA British Region - Saturday evening 10/23/10
:: NMRA British Region - Saturday evening 10/23/10 ::
Otis McGee SP Shasta Division
:: Otis McGee SP Shasta Division ::
Jack Burgess HO Yosemite Valley RR
:: Jack Burgess HO Yosemite Valley RR ::
2010 Model Railroad Recap X2011 West Facebook
:: 2010 Model Railroad Recap X2011 West Facebook ::
Stephen Cavanaugh's Western Pacific in HO - X2011 West layout
:: Stephen Cavanaugh's Western Pacific in HO - X2011 West layout ::
:: x2011_west_layout_tours_preview ::
X2011 West Advanced Section - Registration Night June 30, 2011
:: X2011 West Advanced Section - Registration Night June 30, 2011 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours - Fri July 1, 2011
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours - Fri July 1, 2011 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours - Sat July 2, 2011
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours - Sat July 2, 2011 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Carquinez Model RR 7/3/11
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Carquinez Model RR 7/3/11 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Jim Bainbridge 7/3/11
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Jim Bainbridge 7/3/11 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Mike Blumensaadt 7/3/11
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours Mike Blumensaadt 7/3/11 ::
X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours John Petrovich 7/3/11
:: X2011 West Adv Section Layout Tours John Petrovich 7/3/11 ::
X2011 West - At the Convention Site
:: X2011 West - At the Convention Site ::
X2011 West National Train Show
:: X2011 West National Train Show ::
:: x2011_west_layout_tours_mitch_valder_7-6-11 ::
N Scale Weekend 2011 - Bedford, Pennsylvania
:: N Scale Weekend 2011 - Bedford, Pennsylvania ::
Norcal Free-Mo Labor Day 2011
:: Norcal Free-Mo Labor Day 2011 ::
Western Prototype Modelers 2011 San Bernadino
:: Western Prototype Modelers 2011 San Bernadino ::
N Scale Convention Medford Oregon 2012
:: N Scale Convention Medford Oregon 2012 ::
Constructing a N scale GP7B in Santa Fe
:: Constructing a N scale GP7B in Santa Fe ::
Constructing a Santa Fe U30CG in N scale
:: Constructing a Santa Fe U30CG in N scale ::
Constructing N scale RSD-15 on Atlas B40-8 mechanism
:: Constructing N scale RSD-15 on Atlas B40-8 mechanism ::
Shell Removal / Renumbering on Southern Pacific Black Widow LifeLike N SD7
:: Shell Removal / Renumbering on Southern Pacific Black Widow LifeLike N SD7  ::
Kato N scale Unitrack #4 Turnout Tuning;  adding feeders from underneath
:: Kato N scale Unitrack #4 Turnout Tuning; adding feeders from underneath ::
Broadway Limited N scale PA1 / PCM E7 rear wheelset replacement pictures
:: Broadway Limited N scale PA1 / PCM E7 rear wheelset replacement pictures ::
Prototype Rails Cocoa Beach January 2013
:: Prototype Rails Cocoa Beach January 2013 ::
N scale Atlas/Kato RS11 shell onto a Atlas DCC-ready RS11 mechanism
:: N scale Atlas/Kato RS11 shell onto a Atlas DCC-ready RS11 mechanism ::
For sale and miscellaneous by John Sing
:: For sale and miscellaneous by John Sing ::
N scale shell removal tips
:: N scale shell removal tips ::
NMRA National Train Show 2017 - Orlando
:: NMRA National Train Show 2017 - Orlando ::
John Armstrong's Carlsbad, East Portal & Zenith N scale 4x8 layout
:: John Armstrong's Carlsbad, East Portal & Zenith N scale 4x8 layout ::
Ballasting Kato Unitrack N Scale
:: Ballasting Kato Unitrack N Scale ::
Baldwin Passenger Shark foobies in N Scale
:: Baldwin Passenger Shark foobies in N Scale ::
Classic Southern Pacific Bloody Nose PA's in N scale
:: Classic Southern Pacific Bloody Nose PA's in N scale  ::
Tips and hints on tuning and repairing N scale locomotives
:: Tips and hints on tuning and repairing N scale locomotives ::
StreamSong Golf Resort - The Chains short course
:: StreamSong Golf Resort - The Chains short course ::
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