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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 8
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Cerritos, CA view map

Detail of Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/640s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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J. Scott Coile11-Jul-2011 18:52
WOW. This looks like it could be in Cuba.
Frank Brault11-Jul-2011 02:16
Gorgeous tones an beautifully graphical.V
Stephanie11-Jul-2011 01:12
Cool contemporary buildings! :)
Guest 11-Jul-2011 00:44
Lovely shapes and wonderful Tones Astrid!! Great capture!
LynnH10-Jul-2011 16:22
Super PoV. I like the blocks and squares repeated throughout!
Brenda10-Jul-2011 15:53
Love the different facades. Well seen
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jul-2011 14:13
Cool shot of this industrial looking building. What a fascinating design.
Michael J. Parkinson10-Jul-2011 11:10
I am working my way backwards through these images, so in reference to my first comment this is my kind of sky.
Mieke WA Minkjan10-Jul-2011 09:13
interesting view on the buildings
Yvonne10-Jul-2011 05:52
Great contrasts with the dark building in the foreground!
Cindi Smith10-Jul-2011 03:46
Boxes of all shapes and sizes. Very geometrical!