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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 7
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San Diego, CA view map

USS Midway


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/500s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jola Dziubinska30-Jul-2011 01:04
Superb! Have been there lately :)
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes10-Jul-2011 06:04
Wonderful shot, great composition and clarity. V
Robin Reid09-Jul-2011 07:46
Excellent ... a difficult subject to capture so cleanly. You'll want to check out my post on Saturday (after noon)
Frank Brault08-Jul-2011 14:46
A superb composition and gorgeous tones. V
Chris Spracklen08-Jul-2011 10:48
Brilliant composition, Astrid.
Excellent B&W work, too.
Brenda08-Jul-2011 09:32
Love your perspective on this. Wonderful composition.
Guest 08-Jul-2011 02:54
I can see that I could never get a bord that ship! :)
franz07-Jul-2011 21:22
Parade en rade. Bv Astrid!
Guest 07-Jul-2011 21:15
Wonderful POV -- and I love the B&W!
J. Scott Coile07-Jul-2011 17:25
Excellent perspective. Rich tones.
LynnH07-Jul-2011 15:06
Wonderful in B&W. I like all the details on the conning tower. :) V
Cindi Smith07-Jul-2011 14:18
You did well, Astrid....what a great composition!
Guest 07-Jul-2011 13:57
Very nice composition and pov Astrid!
Walter Otto Koenig07-Jul-2011 13:36
Nicely composed with a well chosen vantage point. Very good exposure as the starboard side was away from the sun.
Yvonne07-Jul-2011 11:29
Gosh, they're big things when you see them this close! Great shot Astrid!
Stephanie07-Jul-2011 08:19
Excellent compo!
Janice Dunn07-Jul-2011 08:10
This looks good Astrid. Very crisp and clear.