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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 9
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Cerritos, CA view map

Architecture of a flower. Cerritos Sheraton Hotel in background


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/60s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso100 full exif

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J. Scott Coile11-Jul-2011 18:51
What a great foreground interest.
Frank Brault11-Jul-2011 02:15
A terrific and creative composition. Beautiful. V
Stephanie11-Jul-2011 01:12
Love the hibiscus in the foreground! Beautiful work! V
Guest 11-Jul-2011 00:48
Beautiful, lovely pov, well done Astrid !!!
Kerry Tingley10-Jul-2011 23:09
I agree with Cindi, the flowers against the building softens the cold building.
LynnH10-Jul-2011 16:23
I do like the focus on the foreground! Nice work! :)
Brenda10-Jul-2011 15:54
Very nice! Love your composition and depth of field here.
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jul-2011 14:12
Nicely composed image with the slightly blurred building and the concentration on the architecture of the hibiscus.
Michael J. Parkinson10-Jul-2011 11:08
A great idea. A burned in sky might give it more punch but then, I am fan of oppressive skies.
Mieke WA Minkjan10-Jul-2011 09:14
excellent to take the hibiscus flower as a guide to the building V
Janice Dunn10-Jul-2011 08:22
I love your composition - the hibiscus looks so pretty
Guest 10-Jul-2011 06:36
Very nice.
Yvonne10-Jul-2011 05:53
Beautifully arranged with the gorgeous hibiscus flowers in the foreground!
Cindi Smith10-Jul-2011 03:47
Love the beauty of nature against the work of man! This is beautiful!