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Antje Schulte | profile | all galleries >> Gallery: Raptors, tits, woodpeckers, sparrows, jays, blackbirds and others >> Various Birds - Starlings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Various Birds - Starlings

These too are considered as pests in many parts of the world. Here, though, they are native, and what's more, they are harbingers or spring because they are migratory in this part of Bavaria. Seeing a starling in its breeding plumage when all the world still is drab and cold is all I need to reinstall my hope that there indeed will be a spring this year!
Starling Stare
Starling Stare
Starling singing
Starling singing
Starling posing
Starling posing
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Starling Preening
Rained upon
Rained upon
Starling and Raisins
Starling and Raisins
Starling and Raisins
Starling and Raisins
Hungry Starlings
Hungry Starlings
Hungry Starlings
Hungry Starlings
Dozing off
Dozing off
Almost falling over...
Almost falling over...
Warm, well fed and cozy
Warm, well fed and cozy
Into the great wide open
Into the great wide open