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Antje Schulte | profile | all galleries >> Gallery: Raptors, tits, woodpeckers, sparrows, jays, blackbirds and others >> Various Birds - the Sparrow Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Various Birds - the Tit Subsection | Various Birds - the Blackbirds and Thrushs | Various Birds - the Sparrow Gallery | Various Birds - Woodpeckers and Nuthatches | Various Birds - Jays | Various Birds - Starlings | Various Birds - all the others | Various Birds - Siskins, Bullfinches, Hawfinches and more | Various Birds - Raptors

Various Birds - the Sparrow Gallery

Sparrows - considered as pests by many, they have become increasingly rare in Germany because their habitats are destroyed more and more. That's a shame, not only are they rather beautiful, but their social life is absolutely worth watching.
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Content tree sparrow
Content tree sparrow
Camouflaged (sort of)
Camouflaged (sort of)
Sparrow Kid
Sparrow Kid
Bird on a stick, again
Bird on a stick, again
Bringing home the food
Bringing home the food
Sparrow fledgling and mom (or dad?)
Sparrow fledgling and mom (or dad?)
Female House Sparrow with Food
Female House Sparrow with Food
Female House Sparrow
Female House Sparrow
Female House Sparrow with Food
Female House Sparrow with Food
On the jump
On the jump
The skies above
The skies above
Enjoying the flowers
Enjoying the flowers
Dreamy sparrow
Dreamy sparrow
I'm cute!
I'm cute!
Always watchful
Always watchful
Keep away from my kid!
Keep away from my kid!
Very very tired
Very very tired
Too tired from eating
Too tired from eating
Finally! Food!
Finally! Food!
Parent taking a nap
Parent taking a nap
Do you think we can eat that?
Do you think we can eat that?
Don't you have more? Please!
Don't you have more? Please!
I'm so hungry!
I'm so hungry!
Little one being fed
Little one being fed
Little one being fed
Little one being fed
Little one being fed
Little one being fed
Gimme more!!!
Gimme more!!!
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