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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > August 29
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August 29

Harvesting oysters at the Carlsbad Aquafarm

The floats can be seen in the background. Each float has a stack of ten trays of oysters below it.
Two freshly harvested stacks can be seen in front of the forklift. They each weigh about 200 pounds.
They are then cleaned off and put in clean water for two days so the sand and other debris can be filtered out.
The filtering is done by the oysters themselves. Each one is capable of filtering 50 gallons of water a day.
The Aquafarm has been in operation sine 1952 and mostly supplies restaurants, but the pulcic is welcome to buy there too.
Learned a lot about oysters and even shucked and ate a few. They were delicious.

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/400s f/11.0 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh10-Sep-2022 13:33
Great shot, really! V
Dan Greenberg01-Sep-2022 15:01
Great information Walter. Now I have learned something about oysters too. ~V~
Don Mottershead31-Aug-2022 19:24
Interesting scene and information.
bill friedlander30-Aug-2022 23:45
They look well equipped to do the job. V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte30-Aug-2022 21:05
Very pleasant recovery full of colors.
Allan Jay30-Aug-2022 20:39
Appreciate the info…strong composition,
larose forest photos30-Aug-2022 20:11
A shot full of interest, exceptionally sharp and well captured. V
Julie Oldfield30-Aug-2022 17:51
Really interesting to see. It seems like hard but rewarding work. V
globalgadabout30-Aug-2022 17:22
it's interesting and rewarding to see the business side of seafood...strong comp to include so many relevant aspects..
Neil Marcus30-Aug-2022 17:01
I envy eating Oysters that way.
Claude Gagnon30-Aug-2022 16:56
Very nice and so colorful shot under this nice blue sky :)) V
joseantonio30-Aug-2022 16:30
must be lovely to watch them doing their job.V
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