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Randy Adams | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Family > Beauty and the beast
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Beauty and the beast

Nikon D200
1/60s f/4.5 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
henuly1photography20-Oct-2013 17:57
very happy couple!!!
MarcViskens10-Jun-2012 05:43
nice portrait
Graeme02-Feb-2012 10:43
Its very nice to meet you & your wife, Randy. Like your smiles :O)
fotabug20-Jan-2012 14:17
What a wonderful portrait of the two of you. And it's nice to put a face with the photographer, :)
Chris Spracklen03-Oct-2011 08:48
So good to meet you, Randy ~ and your beloved, of course!
Excellent portrait.