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Our Seventh Day in Wales

+ June 15, 2022, the seventh day of our Road Scholar adventure, was our last day with our wonderful, entertaining, inspirational, knowledgeable and wise study guide, Conway. He surprised us in the evening when he showed up as a member of an excellent mixed voice choir. Wales is known for its music, particularly men's choirs. It is well-known that a men's choir will rehearse at the church and then go to the pub and keep singing. Unfortunately we didn't get to have that experience.

Before that wonderful event we enjoyed going to Cardigan, Carmarthen and Laugharne (pronounce Larn).

Cardigan has a castle, a history of being an important port and it's where we had time to shop and find a place for lunch. Carmarthan was a very important town for the woolen industry and is home to the National Woolen Mesum which we visited. Laugharne has the impressive remains of a medieval castle overlooking the estuary of the River Tāf, is Conway's home, and also was the home of the highly acclaimed Welsh poet and story teller Dylan Thomas much appreciated by Conway.

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