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Michel CORBOZ | all galleries >> ARCHITECTURAMANIA >> PONTS ET PASSERELLES > Les deux ponts
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Les deux ponts

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Dallas Hyatt05-Jan-2024 01:49
Guest 04-Dec-2007 17:38
Excellent!! Almost like some kind of optical illusion.
Guest 22-Mar-2007 10:24
je decouvre ton travail et je suis tres impressione par la qualite des compositions, la purete des lignes, etc. cette photo est variment super et la presence du couple rajoute tellement.
Guest 28-Feb-2007 13:50
Very unusual composition with the bridge appearing beneath the walkway and the layered reflections.
Yves Rubin10-Jul-2006 23:20
Love the lines as well here!
Guest 04-Apr-2006 13:10
Not much more to add, fantastic play with lines.
viljamix30-Dec-2005 08:09
Very beautiful.
Heidi Jonker29-Dec-2005 22:38
beautiful composition and atmosphere
Peter Eklöf24-Oct-2005 15:31
Craig Persel24-Oct-2005 15:15
Very well done. :-)
Guest 24-Oct-2005 14:43
George Christakos24-Oct-2005 14:18
Excellent composition. Bravo. My vote.