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John Vass | all galleries >> Odds and Ends >> Self Portrait > Waiting for the Train
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Waiting for the Train

Modena Utah

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sue Anne Rush05-Apr-2021 13:53
Excellent. V
Bill Taylor05-Jul-2019 01:46
Cool effect ! You may be waiting a long time at that station.
Dan Greenberg21-Sep-2018 17:40
What a great artistic idea! Very well executed John. ~BV~
1moremile26-Jul-2018 19:44
This is so cool. My kind of photo. V.
bill friedlander21-Aug-2015 15:26
I like how you did this. Excellent work. V
Neil Marcus24-Jan-2014 10:00
It reminds me of a colorful version of "high Noon"
foto61.net26-Feb-2010 20:49
Hi John, nice to meet you (and your two twin brothers) :-) V
Eldar Kadymov26-Feb-2010 14:43
There are not even rail tracks around ?
alfredo camba jr.30-Dec-2009 18:17
Very nice and unique self portrait! Nice to see you John! V
Rick Bricker20-Oct-2009 03:59
I can picture the ghost train coming in.Fantastic idea and even better implementation of it!V
Photo.Keely22-Feb-2009 16:37
Cool image! V.
Tresa Robinson 25-Nov-2008 08:22
This is really neato!
Susanne v. Schroeder01-Nov-2008 14:05
Great idea for a Selportrait!!
Guest 24-Jul-2008 15:58
Steve Morris11-Jan-2008 21:43
Very surreal John - great how the ghost is sitting on the window!
Lee G11-Jan-2008 19:47
Looks like a tough crowd, better catch the first train outta' town!
Jola Dziubinska11-Jan-2008 19:41
Ghost town??