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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > San Francisco, CA / Thank You
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San Francisco, CA / Thank You

Nikon D70
1/250s f/8.0 at 40.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 27-Apr-2006 02:47
Well seen! Great catch. I love his hair. And the light and the reflection.
Dominic Kite26-Apr-2006 21:07
You've really caught a great expression there Chris! Nicely done.
Dawn25-Apr-2006 06:07
Love the lines & shadows in this Chris. Great Catch!
Guest 25-Apr-2006 01:09
I love that the "thank you" is also on his bag.
Great shot!
shatterbug24-Apr-2006 05:58
You're welcome. :-) Excellent candid! Love the stripes and figure lurking in the bg. Oh yeah, and the rad hair! V.
Guest 23-Apr-2006 22:50
Wow shot Chris! Love the complexity.Especially the spike doo and the dynamic stripes.Awesome!
Guest 23-Apr-2006 14:18
I have to look at this for a long time to get all the elements. You are the bw master. :)
laine8223-Apr-2006 08:25
Strong image, Chris. Great choice for b/w conversion.