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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > San Francisco, CA / Java to Go
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San Francisco, CA / Java to Go

Nikon D70
1/250s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Apr-2006 09:54
Great work here, my friend :)
Guest 23-Apr-2006 01:24
Fantastic hipshot. The b+w is very good.
Guest 22-Apr-2006 16:01
great candid!
jude22-Apr-2006 14:52
I agree with Duncan.. excellent hip shot.. good exposure and YES he's too
Guest 22-Apr-2006 14:03
Isn't he too young to drink coffee? Where is the tea?? Great black& white! vote
Guest 22-Apr-2006 13:51
Saturday morning and a cup of Joe sounds like a great idea.. Given the signs on the wall, though, I wouldn't stand a chance of ordering here.
Guest 22-Apr-2006 13:47
Reminds me of the McDonald's commercial where the man didn't notice his wife until after he started drinking coffee. :) Great shot!!
...duncan22-Apr-2006 13:23
From the low pov and perspective I would say this is a hip shot and a very good one.
laine8222-Apr-2006 09:21
And not one of them noticed you :>)
shatterbug22-Apr-2006 06:47
Great candid! Love your POV and tones! Looks like they haven't drank enough yet. ;-)