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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> Jess > 20050725 / Jess
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20050725 / Jess

Palo Alto, CA

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...duncan05-Jan-2006 00:54
Great colour and excellent portrait.
Brian McAllister26-Sep-2005 04:26
Double winner for me Chris. Love the shot and I get to meet a fellow Pbaser at the same time. Great shots. Both are super nice. I lean towards the color for the warmth/skin tones and overall lovely presentation.
laine8226-Sep-2005 02:37
Nice series, Chris. I like this one too. Has a friendly warmth to it !!
jude26-Jul-2005 23:19
I like the color version better just because it's so warm.. although her eye shows a bit more in b&w.. very cool to meet a fellow pbaser
RTHawk26-Jul-2005 13:56
Chris ...Nice...
Even thought the B&W version of Jess is a great capture for any photographer...
I did like the tone of this shot in color....
You caught her at just the right moment...
Susanne26-Jul-2005 13:37
I like this reddish color in this photograph. This is really awesome.