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20050725 / Jess

Palo Alto, CA

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pik200409-Jan-2009 14:31
cool shot! like the way the camera movement too.
Lilith16-Jan-2007 14:58
I love to see the camera!
scott clarke25-Aug-2006 13:05
She is very cute. I see she also takes photos. Must check out her site. Hope all is well Chris.
Guest 11-May-2006 16:47
Great shot lots of character there
james200202-Sep-2005 09:12
Very nice!
Guest 17-Aug-2005 07:23
so beautiful portrait !
works well
Guest 16-Aug-2005 21:08
Browsing your galleries, I was caught by this portrait! Good contrast between sharp face and blurred hands and camera.
but also, you had a wonderful model, what a smile she has, so funny and beautiful in the same time. I'll go on her galleries ;-)
Guest 04-Aug-2005 04:54
lets see the image she took of you
Johan Toll01-Aug-2005 20:26
Very nice portrait! Is it a duell? :)
Dawn31-Jul-2005 23:49
Nice action shot. Face & eyes are still.. seeing the picture they want to take.. while the hands bring up the camera to take the shot. Great shot of Jess!
steve mcsweeny27-Jul-2005 21:03
Very nice!!
Guest 27-Jul-2005 11:52
this is such a cool shot!..I like it a lot!!!
Guest 26-Jul-2005 23:00
Meeting Pbasers must be fun!
Hi Jess!
Jackdad26-Jul-2005 22:52
funny concept - does this mean that the young lady also has some similar shots of you?
uofmtiger26-Jul-2005 20:20
Coo shot! I like the selective focus and blur.
Guest 26-Jul-2005 17:19
this is great- love her dimples - beautiful smile:-)
Guest 26-Jul-2005 16:03
Wow, a very nice shot!
Chris Sofopoulos26-Jul-2005 15:05
Nice portrait in b&w!
yosi aptekar26-Jul-2005 14:33
nice shot.
Dominic Kite26-Jul-2005 12:28
Jess is very pretty - nice portrait. The motion blur's perfect.
David Clunas26-Jul-2005 11:03
Like the way the head is still and the camera and hands are blurred, B&W works well here.
Leo Charette26-Jul-2005 10:24
Monochrome works best on this very well done with shallow dof and focus on the eye.
Larry Ahern26-Jul-2005 08:53
Very nice shot!
laine8226-Jul-2005 08:31
Great action, Chris.
JeremyGood26-Jul-2005 08:19
That's great, with your slow shutter speed, you've got her hands and XT in motion, creating a gunslinger quick draw effect. Looks like you won.
Guest 26-Jul-2005 08:17
nice shot of jess!! =D luv those a gallery of mine own too!!
JazzyJess26-Jul-2005 08:09
Thanks for the pic ! I thought you were going to photoshop away my pimples :) ??
Guest 26-Jul-2005 07:54
i bet the canon got a sharper image (kidding). :)
Guest 26-Jul-2005 07:39
Did you shoot you mutually? How funny!