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Sheena Xin Liu | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Trip to American West tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My Trip to American West

My 80-day solo-trip West was also a journey to my mind.

That is a mind that has been wrenched with too many twists and turns for the past several years.

America West, is a place of tranquility; A place of spirituality; of quietude, mysterious power, healing, inspiration, enchantment, ease, kind; and yes, simplicity.

I guess my primitive motive for all those endeavors is just to anchor my rootless emotions - surges of ungrounded comes and goes, a sanctuary at last, wherever that place is located.

Hence, photography apparently is but a by-product of this trip.

Although it is true that I was urged by a forceful voice initially,

in a measure that commanded me to leave the city,

I had no clue where I wanted to head for exactly.

It was much later that I discovered that my spiritual marriage
with this land was nothing coincident. It was a commitment that
had perhaps been made several thousand years ago.

But, the opportunity to honor that commitment had come in this lifetime.

See My Itiernary for further information. I would like to sincerely thank those people who have helped me on my trip. Feel free to download them as your wallpapers.
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