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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> vintage_style > Paddle steamers on the Murray river...3
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Paddle steamers on the Murray river...3

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Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2018 17:19
Excellent. These really look quite old. Brilliant work. V
janescottcumming03-Aug-2018 22:05
Those are some neat looking old boats. V
bill friedlander03-Aug-2018 18:56
Nice vintage look for these old boats. V
Nirvan Hope03-Aug-2018 18:30
A wonderful old steamer. Excellent 'vintage'.
Blandine Mangin03-Aug-2018 13:00
beautiful treatment !v
marie-jose wolff03-Aug-2018 12:55
superb vintage treatment! V
Yvonne03-Aug-2018 11:32
A lovely image with many memories.. v
laine03-Aug-2018 10:13
It's been years....a great memory for me.
joseantonio03-Aug-2018 03:37
love the old time mood here.Well done.V.
Gill Kopy03-Aug-2018 02:48
Great effect created by your treatment ! V
Jeff Real03-Aug-2018 01:53
This vintage styling is so amazingly perfect here
Walter Otto Koenig03-Aug-2018 00:36
An old time feel with these treatments. nicely composed too. "V"
Wintermeer03-Aug-2018 00:18
Excellent treatment, very befitting for the scene! ~V~
Helen Betts03-Aug-2018 00:00
Such excellent vintage treatment! This could be a shot from the 19th century. V.
globalgadabout02-Aug-2018 22:56
intriguing boats with lots of character....the toning seems so apt for the subjects..
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