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woody34 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> vintage_style tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Old bush home, Australia style..
Old bush home, Australia style..
Typical Qld, country pub
Typical Qld, country pub
Wallerawang Anglican Church
Wallerawang Anglican Church
Paddle steamers on the Murray river...3
Paddle steamers on the Murray river...3
The old Zig Zag railway at Lithgow, N.S.W
The old Zig Zag railway at Lithgow, N.S.W
Another old church at Hill End.
Another old church at Hill End.
Paddle steamer on the Murray River 2
Paddle steamer on the Murray River 2
Old Church at Hill End N.S.W
Old Church at Hill End N.S.W
Paddle steamer on the Murray River
Paddle steamer on the Murray River