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wolf13 | profile | all galleries >> Current Collection >> Bad Boyz Toyz/ Shocktech Guns (5 guns) (Westwood, Noblett, Hookups, SFL) >> Noblett's Aftershock Shocktech tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Noblett's Aftershock Shocktech

Name: Noblett Custom
Manufactured by: Bad Boyz Toyz
MSRP: Priceless
Date: 1998
Rarity: Unique

There is almost no player name in paintball that I would pay anything extra to own one of their guns, nor almost any team. Gary Noblett of Aftershock is the exception to that. Aftershock has been one of the most prominent and dominating teams in paintball history, and Gary helped take them there. This is most likely the gun he used to help with the '99 NPPL world cup and that appeared on the video PUSH. I simply couldn't pass up the chance to acquire this piece of history.

The gun itself shows more wear then what would normally be suitable for a collection piece; However considering the use this gun went through though, its imperfections are understandable. The trigger on this is perhaps the cultimation of the shocktech philosophy, it is incredibly smooth and lite. The first time I aired it up, it was out of time slightly, but after a little work, I got to run some cycles on it. I have to say, this is probably the fastest cocker trigger I have ever shot. Certainly nothing else in my possession so far equels it at the moment. Anyone who doubts the difference between a normal cocker and one built by a master for a teammate, this is the one I would point to. not making this one my new primary may be hard.

The photo does not do this gun justice and will be replaced as soon as I can produce better, the annoing fades to a dark purple at the back, and the match annoed stock continues the fade in full extension. The little logo does not say shocktech, instead it says "Aftershock" on both sides. The boomstick is also milled to match the front block. This was a performance piece that emphasized performance; note the brass ram, feed extender and duel ball detents, both in front of and behind the ball (a pretty novel concept at the time). The boomstick was also milled slightly to match the rest of the gun. This was originally set up to run remote before 4500psi systems made an appearance, making a large tank nearly a must for a serious back man in a 10 player event. Even for a large player, a 114 or larger tank is a cumbersome beast.
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