3. Ponzi Investment. This is best exemplified by housing. A house, once built, is incapable of producing a return into GDP. Its value can only increase because someone else believes that it is of greater value than the person who originally constructed it. This is the definition of a “Ponzi Scheme” and the claims of many Realtors in fact feed it – the fear of scarcity as epitomized in the claim “they aren’t making any more land.” While Ponzi Investments have utility value in many cases, their inherent value frequently decreases over time and requires additional capital inputs to maintain (as in the example of a home needing a new roof.) This type of investment, when financed through debt, is always a net drain on GDP.
< http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archives/1631-You-Stupid-Fool-Bernanke.html
Unfortunately Lee, Taxation makes us all "Investors" - whether we want to be or not. For example, the funding of the 2+Billion$ "SDS" Southern Delivery System that will bring in water to Colorado Springs - water that is contractualy required for the continuation of McSprawl towards the Kansas border. There's absolutely no inkling the oligarchical-kleptocratic "Developers" care a wit about little things like SUSTAINABILITY.
It's "Just Bidness" to them.
--Thomas Jefferson
24-Nov-2009 05:27
No; With a ponzi scheme only the investor looses. With development we all loose. First the earth, then everything else. Good work and a vote. Lee