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Bill Klipp | profile | all galleries >> Africa Photo Expeditions >> Southern Africa >> Linda's Southern Africa >> Zambia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Botswana | South Africa -- Capetown | Namibia | Zambia


Welcome to my Zambia photo gallery where I have posted photos wildlife and nature photos from Mfuwe, Chiawa and areas of the mighty Zambezi River.

For purchase or usage rights contact: Linda Klipp

"Copyright 2008 by Linda Klipp, all rights reserved"
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Crawshay Zebra Angles,  Mfuwe
Crawshay Zebra Angles, Mfuwe
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa  1
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa 1
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa 2.
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa 2.
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa 3
Albino Baboon Baby, Chiawa 3
Baby Elephant, Mfuwe
Baby Elephant, Mfuwe
Baobab Tree,   Chiawa
Baobab Tree, Chiawa
Crawshay Zebra , Mufwe
Crawshay Zebra , Mufwe
Female  Impala,  Mfuwe
Female Impala, Mfuwe
Green Eyed  Nile Crocodile, Chiawa
Green Eyed Nile Crocodile, Chiawa
Hippo Mirror,  Mfuwe
Hippo Mirror, Mfuwe
Hippos in Water Cabbage,  Mfuwe 1
Hippos in Water Cabbage, Mfuwe 1
Hippos in Water Cabbage,  Mfuwe 2
Hippos in Water Cabbage, Mfuwe 2
Hippos in Zambezi River,  Chiawa 1
Hippos in Zambezi River, Chiawa 1
Hippos in Zambezi River,  Chiawa 2
Hippos in Zambezi River, Chiawa 2
Hippos in Zambezi River,  Chiawa 3
Hippos in Zambezi River, Chiawa 3
Hippos in Zambezi River,  Chiawa 4
Hippos in Zambezi River, Chiawa 4
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