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South Africa -- Capetown

Welcome to my South Africa photo gallery where I have posted photos from Cape Town, Boulder Beach, Cape Point and South Africa's wine country.

For purchase or usage rights contact: Linda Klipp

"Copyright 2008 by Linda Klipp, all rights reserved"

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Jackass Penguins Boulder Beach 3
Jackass Penguins Boulder Beach 3
Baboon, Cape Point 4
Baboon, Cape Point 4
 BoKapp Neighborhood, Cape Town 2
BoKapp Neighborhood, Cape Town 2
Jack Ass Penquins, Boulder Beach
Jack Ass Penquins, Boulder Beach
Jackass Penguins, Boulder Beach 4
Jackass Penguins, Boulder Beach 4
Table Mountain, Cape Town
Table Mountain, Cape Town
Jackass Penguins Boulder Beach 2
Jackass Penguins Boulder Beach 2
Wine Country, Cape Town
Wine Country, Cape Town
Aloe, Cape Point
Aloe, Cape Point
Art, Cape Town
Art, Cape Town
Baboons Walking, Cape Point
Baboons Walking, Cape Point
Bo Kapp District, Cape Town
Bo Kapp District, Cape Town
Boschen Wine Country ,Cape Town
Boschen Wine Country ,Cape Town
Flowers, Cape Town
Flowers, Cape Town
 Protea Flowers, Cape Town
Protea Flowers, Cape Town
Guinea Fowl with Chick,  Cape Town
Guinea Fowl with Chick, Cape Town
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