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Lemurs of Madagascar | Reptiles & Amphibians of Madagascar | Wildlife & Nature of Madagascar | People & Culture of Madagascar

Wildlife & Nature of Madagascar

Bizarre in many ways is one way to describe the World’s 4th largest island whose 70 million years of isolation unleashed Mother Nature creating a Biodiversity Hotspot. From it’s incredible diversity of strange creatures to giant Baobab Trees several thousand years old to odd geographic formations like the razor sharp Tsingly limestone formations of northern Madagascar. Almost the size of Texas, Madagascar’s climate is tropical along the coast, temperate inland, and arid in the south. The island’s many diverse ecosystems include lush rain forests, tropical dry forests, plateaus and deserts. With more than 3,000 miles of coastline and over 250 islands it is home to some of the world’s largest coral reef systems and the most extensive mangrove areas in the Western Indian Ocean.

Located in the Indian Ocean only 250 miles off Africa’s east coast Madagascar was one of the last places on earth settled by humans. This combination of isolation and dramatically diverse ecologies set the stage for a land with incredibly unique, even bizarre Flora and Fauna as over 90% of the wildlife found in Madagascar are found no-where else on the planet. Many of these unique ecosystems have their own very specially evolved creatures; from world’s smallest and largest Chameleons to the world’s largest moth or the tiny and very strange Giraffe-necked Weevil or 103 very different Lemur species and the 900 different reptile and frog species.

Madagascar is truly a Nature Lover’s Paradise and a Wildlife Photographer’s Dream.

Panther Chameleon Catching Cricket Madagascar video:
Madagascar Baobab Sunset Time Lapse:

For purchase or usage rights contact: Bill Klipp,
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Snail, Amber Mountain 2
Snail, Amber Mountain 2
Beetle, Andasibe  1
Beetle, Andasibe 1
Damselfly, Masoala  1
Damselfly, Masoala 1
Night Heron, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo  3
Night Heron, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo 3
White-Faced Whistling Ducks, Night Heron, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo  1
White-Faced Whistling Ducks, Night Heron, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo 1
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge  17
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge 17
Land Crab,  Masoala Rainforest Lodge  1
Land Crab, Masoala Rainforest Lodge 1
Land Crab,  Masoala Rainforest Lodge  2
Land Crab, Masoala Rainforest Lodge 2
Land Crab,  Masoala Rainforest Lodge  3
Land Crab, Masoala Rainforest Lodge 3
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge  16
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge 16
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge  20
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge 20
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge  19
Baobab Trees, Mandrare Forest Lodge 19
Weevil, Saha Forest Camp  2
Weevil, Saha Forest Camp 2
Orb Spider, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo  1
Orb Spider, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo 1
Orb Spider, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo  2
Orb Spider, Lake Tsarasoatra, Antananarivo 2
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