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Lemurs of Madagascar | Reptiles & Amphibians of Madagascar | Wildlife & Nature of Madagascar | People & Culture of Madagascar

Reptiles & Amphibians of Madagascar

A Herpetologist’s Paradise. Sometimes we only focus on the big things in nature and miss the very cool little things, and Madagascar is a global hot spot for cool little things. Madagascar is home to over 400 species of Reptiles of which over 90% are endemic and over 500 species of Frogs. The island’s reptilian fauna includes Lizards, Snakes (none venomous), Turtles, Tortoises and Crocodiles. Nearly half the world’s 171 Chameleon species can be found in Madagascar ranging from the smallest, the Leaf Chameleon at only ½ inch long to the world’s largest, the Parson’s Chameleon at over 2 feet long. While the majority of Madagascar’s reptiles are diurnal (active in the daytime) they have evolved to be masters of camouflage. For example the Mossy Leaf-Tailed Gecko truly a master of disguise and clearly one of the most camouflaged creatures on the planet and gave us a real challenge to find and photograph.

While the island has many Amphibians, it’s the Frogs that really stand out. Approximately 10% of the world’s Frog species are endemic to Madagascar, although only 300 of them have been fully described with 200+ yet to be classified. In fact every year new reptile, amphibian, mammal, insect and plant species are still being discovered in Madagascar. From 1999 to 2010, scientists discovered 615 new species in Madagascar, including 41 mammals and 61 reptiles. When I was a young boy I was obsessed with Reptiles and Amphibians having a bedroom filled with terrariums with many different species. I always was intrigued by Chameleons and Frogs and now in Madagascar I got a lifetime’s worth of strange and unique encounters, some of which are in this photo gallery.

Panther Chameleon Catching Cricket Madagascar video:
Madagascar Baobab Sunset Time Lapse:

For purchase or usage rights contact: Bill Klipp,
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Parson's Chameleon  1
Parson's Chameleon 1
Panther Chameleon  3
Panther Chameleon 3
Panther Chameleon  12
Panther Chameleon 12
Tomato Frog  1
Tomato Frog 1
Panther Chameleon  8
Panther Chameleon 8
Pointy Frog, Masoala Forest Lodge  1
Pointy Frog, Masoala Forest Lodge 1
Ostalet's Chameleon  2
Ostalet's Chameleon 2
Golden Mantella Frog  1
Golden Mantella Frog 1
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe  11
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe 11
Giant Leaf-Tailed Gecko, Nosy Mangabe  1
Giant Leaf-Tailed Gecko, Nosy Mangabe 1
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe  2
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe 2
Western Madagascar Tree Boa, Mandrare  2
Western Madagascar Tree Boa, Mandrare 2
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe  12
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe 12
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe  13
Parson's Chameleon, Andasibe 13
Golden Mantella Frog, Andasibe 6
Golden Mantella Frog, Andasibe 6
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