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Diablo Shores Pro Am Water Ski Event

The Diablo Shores Pro Am Water Ski Event is held each year at a beautiful private lake in Brentwood California east of San Francisco. This year's tournament included many world class record holders from both the men’s and women’s Pro and Amateur classes. The event drew skiers from around the world with participants coming from Canada, Italy, France, Australia and New Zealand. A highlight of the event were the Water Ski Legends; Andy Mapple, Bob LaPoint, Kris LaPoint and Lucky Lowe. There was also a special barefoot skiing demonstration by Mike Temby and Tim Penalton

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Diablo Shores Pro/Am  Water Ski 2011
:: Diablo Shores Pro/Am Water Ski 2011 ::
Diablo Shores Pro/Am Water Ski 2010
:: Diablo Shores Pro/Am Water Ski 2010 ::
Diablo Shores Pro/Am  Water Ski 2009
:: Diablo Shores Pro/Am Water Ski 2009 ::