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Bill Klipp | profile | all galleries >> Africa Photo Expeditions >> Southern Africa >> Botswana tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Welcome to my Botswana photo gallery. Botswana is a landlocked country a little larger then France and is the most wealthy of all African countries on a per capita basis. This is due to its big diamond mining industry and small population of only 1.4 million people. It was a British colony until its independence around 1964. Its main industries are mining (diamonds, potash), agriculture and tourism. It is an English speaking country and one of the most stable in Africa. Most of the country lies at 3000 feet and is flat with 2/3 being the Kalahari desert. The population resides mainly in the north and south east where the higher rainfall occurs. It is bordered by South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. About 17% of the country has been set aside for wildlife making it incedible place for nature and wildlife viewing.
Our time in Botswana was split between Chobe Natioanal park in the north with its herds of thousands of elephants and the Okavango Delta in the west. The Okavango a vast inland delta of channels, lagoons and palm fringed islands that spreads from Angola to the sands of the Kalahari. It is known as one of the world’s premier game and bird wildernesses.

Botswana Okavango Delta Game Drive collage:
Safari flight over Botswana:
The Elephants of Duba Plains Botswana:

For purchase or usage rights contact:Bill Klipp,
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Leopard, Selinda Camp  5
Leopard, Selinda Camp 5
Hippos, Selinda Camp  1
Hippos, Selinda Camp 1
Elephants, Selinda Camp  13
Elephants, Selinda Camp 13
Lion Cub, Duba Plains  3
Lion Cub, Duba Plains 3
Cape Buffalo, Selinda Camp  2
Cape Buffalo, Selinda Camp 2
Warthog, Duba Plains  3
Warthog, Duba Plains 3
Red Lechwe, Duba Plains  2
Red Lechwe, Duba Plains 2
Lions, Duba Plains  13
Lions, Duba Plains 13
Elephants, Duba Plains  2
Elephants, Duba Plains 2
Waterbuck, Selinda Camp  1
Waterbuck, Selinda Camp 1
Spoonbills, Duba Plains  2
Spoonbills, Duba Plains 2
Warthogs, Duba Plains  1
Warthogs, Duba Plains 1
Elephants, Duba Plains  7
Elephants, Duba Plains 7
Lions, Selinda Camp  21
Lions, Selinda Camp 21
Lion, Selinda Camp  24
Lion, Selinda Camp 24
Waterbuck, Selinda Camp  2
Waterbuck, Selinda Camp 2
Tree Squirrel, Selinda Camp  1
Tree Squirrel, Selinda Camp 1
Lions hunting Warthog, Selinda Camp  28
Lions hunting Warthog, Selinda Camp 28
Lions hunting Warthog, Selinda Camp  29
Lions hunting Warthog, Selinda Camp 29
Lions with Warthog, Selinda Camp  19
Lions with Warthog, Selinda Camp 19
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