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Linda's Cuba | Iceland by Linda | Antarctica, South Georgia Island & Falklands by Linda | Arctic Svalbard -- Land of the Ice Bears | The Baja & Sea of Cortez | Linda's Southern Africa | Costa Rica & Panama Photos | Linda's Brazil | Galapagos Islands by Linda

The Baja & Sea of Cortez

Baja California and the Sea of Cortez have some of the richest diversity of marine life in the world.
In April of 2006, 2009 and 2012 we took a multi week photo expedition aboard the National Geographic Sea Bird, a 152 foot expedition ship.
We explored the Pacific side of the Baja peninsular as well the Gulf of California. We were fortunate to see 6 different whale species, thousands of dolphins, leaping mobular rays along with Humboldt Squid and many varieties of sea birds. As we hiked on the many remote islands we came across giant Saguaro cactus and unusual barrel cactus along with elusive chuckwallas and spiny tailed iguanas. This was a truly Remarkable Journey where the Desert meets the Sea.

Images are available for purchase or for usage rights contact: Linda Klipp

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"Copyright 2007-2014 by Linda Klipp, all rights reserved"

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Ghost Crab, Sand Dollar Beach, 1
Ghost Crab, Sand Dollar Beach, 1
Common Dolphin, Sea of Cortez  2
Common Dolphin, Sea of Cortez 2
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay  1
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay 1
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay  2
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay 2
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay  3
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay 3
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay  4
Sand Dunes, Magdalena Bay 4
Ghost Crab, Sand Dollar Beach, 2
Ghost Crab, Sand Dollar Beach, 2
Sand Dollar Beach 4
Sand Dollar Beach 4
Sand Dollar Beach 2
Sand Dollar Beach 2
Magdalena Bay 1
Magdalena Bay 1
Heermanns Gulls
Heermanns Gulls
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 1
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 1
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 2
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 2
Tern 2
Tern 2
Tern 1
Tern 1
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 4
Royal Terns, Isla Rasa 4
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