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150th Anniversary Parade

A huge parade was held to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Hamburg's fire service. It brought together current and former trucks along with vintage trucks from various civil defense agencies, bands,demonstrations and reenactors
g13/29/946029/3/174928353.a677a2ec.JPEG Demo of the Rope Rescue Team
Demo of the Rope Rescue Team
Demo of the Rope Rescue Team
Demo of the Rope Rescue Team
g13/29/946029/3/174920859.c2de0f7e.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174915586.917ee4d7.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174914060.28bc5f97.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174911842.1243c9e4.JPEG
g13/29/946029/3/174909643.bb71d524.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174903733.176eaba9.JPEG Brush Fire Truck (2 of 2)
Brush Fire Truck (2 of 2)
Brush Fire Truck (1 of 2)
Brush Fire Truck (1 of 2)
g13/29/946029/3/174887039.25df20ea.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174885530.78cc67a0.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174882878.79d35e64.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174881642.837ab30b.JPEG
g13/29/946029/3/174878978.61f02280.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174850797.ed526f08.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174848189.a54b3910.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174843414.79497c69.JPEG
g13/29/946029/3/174840859.9b4db78d.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174834388.991e42be.JPEG Tow Truck
Tow Truck
Mobile SCBA Training Unit
Mobile SCBA Training Unit
Diver Unit
Diver Unit
Ambulance Bus
Ambulance Bus
g13/29/946029/3/174815520.7b8784c4.JPEG Chief's Car
Chief's Car
g13/29/946029/3/174810286.93ec6cf0.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174807481.c396253e.JPEG Extinguishy
g13/29/946029/3/174794139.952facac.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174785800.6fdd06e5.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174782507.fc10f6da.JPEG g13/29/946029/3/174777186.dabd14ab.JPEG