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Barry Langdon-Lassagne | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Birds:     By Family     By Site     By Species     Favorites

Welcome to my gallery of photographs. My primary interest is in photographing birds in the wild, but I also greatly enjoy photographing wildflowers and astrophotography. I occasionally take photographs of other subjects, which can be found in my general gallery. I hope that by sharing my photographs here I can learn to be a better photographer and perhaps to impart to you some of the joy I feel when I am out in nature.

Natural history stories (mostly writeups for the Birdathons in which I participated) with photos are all here:

Also check out My eBird photos.
Recent photos
:: Recent photos ::
North American Bird Photographs
:: North American Bird Photographs ::
Birding Sites
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Bird Species List
:: Bird Species List ::
Favorite Bird Photographs
:: Favorite Bird Photographs ::
Northern California Wildflowers
:: Northern California Wildflowers ::
:: Astronomy ::
:: Mammals ::
Insects, Spiders and Fairy Shrimp
:: Insects, Spiders and Fairy Shrimp ::
Reptiles and Amphibians
:: Reptiles and Amphibians ::
:: Microscopy ::
General Gallery
:: General Gallery ::
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Photos from my James Branch Cabell Collection
:: Photos from my James Branch Cabell Collection ::