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William Barletta | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New England tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New England

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Mr. Mom's Coffee Shop
Mr. Mom's Coffee Shop
Grinding Corn-Kenyon's
Grinding Corn-Kenyon's
Kenyon's Mill - Usquepagh RI
Kenyon's Mill - Usquepagh RI
Clark's Falls Grist Mill - Connecticut
Clark's Falls Grist Mill - Connecticut
Eventually winter will return
Eventually winter will return
:: Boston ::
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
:: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ::
The Ocean State
:: The Ocean State ::
New Hampshire: The Flume Gorge and Environs
:: New Hampshire: The Flume Gorge and Environs ::
The Seasons
:: The Seasons ::
MIT - Fact & Fancy
:: MIT - Fact & Fancy ::
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