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William Barletta | all galleries >> Galleries >> New England > Kenyon's Mill - Usquepagh RI
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William Barletta

Kenyon's Mill - Usquepagh RI

Kenyon's is the oldest manufacturer in Rhode Island.
It still grinds white flint corn,
a low yield variety that produces far better johnnycakes
than the far more usual white dent.

Pentax Spotmatic,Kodak Ektachrome 100

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy30-Jul-2020 13:09
Just like the old days in America. Excellent film image. V
Graeme30-Jul-2020 11:46
A great shot of this mill with its flag flying, William.V
Helen Betts30-Jul-2020 11:08
Fine capture of this mill, and interesting information as well. V.
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