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William Barletta | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colors > Underwater colors
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Underwater colors


Nikon D70
1/8s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ika Zinka Eferl09-Jun-2019 07:08
Fascinating, great work! V
Yvonne08-Jun-2019 10:27
A beautiful image, that water must be crystal clear! v
danad08-Jun-2019 09:31
Wonderful colors and display ! V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Jun-2019 21:31
Wonderful work as always.Vote
Helen Betts07-Jun-2019 19:47
Color, light and texture are all outstanding in this beautiful capture. V.
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