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William Barletta | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colors > Easter eggs
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04-Apr-2015 W.A.Barletta

Easter eggs


This crop is the central 5% of an image taken as part of an experimental series to test my ability to hand-hold my new high resolution camera. While I can usually hand hold this type of image at 1/10 s, the better resolution of the d810 reveled some motion blur.

Nikon D810
1/30s f/5.0 at 62.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Helen Betts06-Apr-2015 16:02
Wow! Superb (and I told you so ;-)). V.
Florent Potard06-Apr-2015 08:53
Great colours! V
danad05-Apr-2015 08:20
Superb colors ! V.
joseantonio05-Apr-2015 03:31
Nice and colorful image.V
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