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Chandana 20-May-2004 15:59
Very nice. Where did you take this picture Vinay?
Guest 16-May-2004 04:31
This is a beautifulllll picture apart from just great colours~ Really NICE!!
Guest 16-May-2004 03:28
Colorful, Vinay!
CJ Morgan15-May-2004 23:46
This seems to me like controled chaos -- almost like the weave of a very colorful rug.
Gayle P. Clement15-May-2004 22:27
Great colors.
Guest 15-May-2004 21:15
Lovely image. Wonderful color!
Guest 15-May-2004 19:03
Colorful here!! Great shot.
christianl15-May-2004 17:17
Zen in colors!