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Nikon D70
1s f/16.0 at 34.0mm full exif

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Pedro Libório21-May-2004 21:58
wonderful colors!!!
Guest 19-May-2004 07:07
Oh this is lovely, did you do the flower arangement?
Karen Leaf17-May-2004 00:36
Very nice still life-I like the bowl with the complementary colors.
Karthik Raja16-May-2004 15:12
Beautiful lighting.
Guest 16-May-2004 13:32
Wooooow, another excellent photo, Vinay! Love the background color
that makes the pink, white and green look more bright. Cool job! :)
Guest 16-May-2004 13:18
Beautiful FLowers and Vase (bowl)
Larry Ahern16-May-2004 12:23
Beautiful! very beautiful ... your setup is flawless!
christianl16-May-2004 07:25
Excellent still life.
The light is perfect!
Guest 16-May-2004 04:49
Incredible nice Vinay!
Guest 16-May-2004 04:44
I love the colors in this one! Very pretty :)
DeMorcan16-May-2004 04:27
VEry nice still life. I like the colors behind it.