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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Chris (and a slinky)
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Chris (and a slinky)

Chris shows how flexible he can be at work!

Canon PowerShot G2
1/125s f/5.6 at 9.3mm (35mm equivalent: 47mm) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 02-Apr-2014 20:31
I agree with Danuta. This is a brilliant shot!
Guest 13-Apr-2009 19:59
Brillant! V
JD Anderson06-Oct-2003 20:36
Very simple, yet captivating! This is lots of fun!
JD Anderson
Guest 09-Sep-2003 18:44
very cool INDEED!! i love it, what a simple yet fantstic idea!

Guest 05-Jun-2003 19:48
Very cool!