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TuTmin | all galleries >> IRAN >> Mausoleums >> Gonbad-e Kavus( The tomb of Kavus) >
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Chad Ramsey23-Oct-2008 01:46
Monumental! Great shot~V
Cindy22-Oct-2008 21:15
Very nice, having the people standing there really shows the perspective of this tomb.
Ali Majdfar22-Oct-2008 13:15
Outstanding capture, ~V
Guest 22-Oct-2008 02:40
If the focus is on the man in the foreground, unique portrait!
Cindi Smith21-Oct-2008 22:11
Now that is some large tomb! Must have been a special individual! Very cool pov!!!!!
Carol Rollins21-Oct-2008 13:25
Excellent perspective and composition. V
Mohamed Mahmoud21-Oct-2008 06:33
Excellent composition
pr_rajan21-Oct-2008 06:24
Sandi Whitteker21-Oct-2008 06:00
Great perspective and an impressive piece of architecture.
Sue Robertson21-Oct-2008 05:08
Wow, that's an impressive tower. Excellent shot.
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