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TuTmin | all galleries >> IRAN >> Mausoleums >> Gonbad-e Kavus( The tomb of Kavus) >
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1000 years old brick tower
55 metres (180.45 ft)

other sizes: small medium original auto
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XiaoBernard9924-Oct-2008 12:23
I research the Name of Kavus ,I found the group of rock ;I think it is not this Kavus...This building(...) gets very modern style.Similar also to a rocket.
Pretty image with the double trees surrounding.
Mohamed Mahmoud21-Oct-2008 06:35
Perfect framing
Char21-Oct-2008 02:23
Hi Mina,
This is a wonderful picture of this ancient tower. \/
Carol Rollins21-Oct-2008 01:52
Great shot TuTmin! V
ŠLux20-Oct-2008 20:22
Nice POV!
Ali Majdfar20-Oct-2008 19:24
Outstanding capture, fantastic angle selection. GMV
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