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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Olympic National Park > Pelican on the wing
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Pelican on the wing

Lots of brown Pelicans here, fishing like mad. But it was very foggy and I had the wrong camera for this. The Panasonic has a lot of grain with higher ISO. I take it because it is small and I can use it with one hand while holding two dogs on leash!

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ35
1/500s f/3.7 at 67.7mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bea.16-Sep-2013 03:13
Well done to get this shot.
Ed Duverger15-Sep-2013 16:06
Very good capture.
Guest 15-Sep-2013 15:23
Nice catch, Janis
graham 15-Sep-2013 08:42
super shot Janis well caught in flight
fotabug15-Sep-2013 00:42
The Panny did a pretty good job! I(t's a nice shot.
Ruth Voorhis14-Sep-2013 21:30
Very nice catch, Janis.
Laura Milholland14-Sep-2013 19:27
Nicely caught. Aren't the pelicans so very fun to watch!
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