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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Olympic National Park > Runner at Pacific Beach
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Runner at Pacific Beach

We were caught by surprise when this gal suddenly zoomed up oceanside. The dogs went nuts. You can see I shot it so quickly that my horizon is tilted! We looked over to see why she was running in the water (besides the dogs bouncing around) and she was running to rescue her blankets and towels and such that the rising tide was trying to take!

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Bea.16-Sep-2013 03:12
What fun this looks to be.
fotabug15-Sep-2013 00:45
Great grab shot, Janis
Ruth Voorhis14-Sep-2013 21:18
Great catch of all the movement, Janis.
Walt 14-Sep-2013 20:18
Funtastic shot! Action all over the place.
Laura Milholland14-Sep-2013 19:26
Sweet! Love the interaction and excitement.
graham 14-Sep-2013 18:17
Lol like the rush
Ann14-Sep-2013 18:13
No wonder she was in a hurry then Janis with the tide coming in. Your dogs look quite startled. I love the catch of the water running from her feet.
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