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Trevor Rudderham | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cars in Detroit 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cars in Detroit 2004

Pictures taken at the annual 'Dream Cruise' on Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI -- an opportunity to show off cars of any and all descriptions

49 Ford
49 Ford
Mercury Rod
Mercury Rod
Mercury Rod 2
Mercury Rod 2
GM Hot Rod Engine
GM Hot Rod Engine
Flame Out!
Flame Out!
Ford V8 Rod
Ford V8 Rod
Ford Model A's
Ford Model A's
The Hood!
The Hood!
Edsel Ford Custom Roadster
Edsel Ford Custom Roadster
Mercedes SL
Mercedes SL
Mercedes SL
Mercedes SL
Rolls Royce -- Flying Lady
Rolls Royce -- Flying Lady
Rolls Royce -- Flying Lady
Rolls Royce -- Flying Lady
Ford GT40
Ford GT40
Ford GT40
Ford GT40
Lotus Turbine Indy Car
Lotus Turbine Indy Car
Lotus Turbine Indy Car
Lotus Turbine Indy Car
Offenhauser Engine in a Watson Indy Roadster
Offenhauser Engine in a Watson Indy Roadster
Old Dragster
Old Dragster
Dragster Engine Detail
Dragster Engine Detail
1926 Ford Model T Roadster
1926 Ford Model T Roadster
Penske Indy Car -- Turbo Inlet Details
Penske Indy Car -- Turbo Inlet Details
Historic Indy Car -- Engine Details
Historic Indy Car -- Engine Details
Aston Martin Vanquish
Aston Martin Vanquish