12-Mar-2004 20:34

:: Gracy Woods Park - Spring 2004 ::
23-Dec-2003 19:02

:: December, 1986 - Florida ::
04-Nov-2003 20:10

:: Flowers ::
29-Oct-2003 19:00

:: Monkees Concert in Austin, Texas, September 29, 1997 ::
13-Oct-2003 08:59

:: Davis Mountains, West Texas, July 2003 ::
04-Oct-2003 08:27

:: Dinosaur National Monument, Utah ::
04-Oct-2003 03:43

:: Playing Around with Paint Shop Pro ::
29-Sep-2003 04:58

:: Golden Spike National Historic Site, Utah ::
23-Sep-2003 10:04

:: Monkees Trading Cards ::
02-Sep-2003 04:37

:: Removing Things with Image Doctor ::
01-Sep-2003 22:41

:: Fan Get-together Before the Show ::
21-Aug-2003 19:48

:: Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, Utah ::