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treebz65 | profile | all galleries >> Flowers >> Roses >> Antique Rose Emporium, Brenham, Texas - April 9, 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Antique Rose Emporium, Brenham, Texas - April 9, 2006

We revisited the Emporium this spring. It was a beautiful Sunday - much cooler and less humid than our previous visit. Our only disappointment was that so few of the plants were labeled. The air was wonderfully fragrant with the perfume from all the antique roses. That must be what Heaven smells like.

There are not as many rose photos in here as I would have liked. The light of the Texas sun can be quite harsh and intense through most of the year and several photos of roses growing out in the open sun were too overexposed and/or contrasty to bother uploading, especially the light colored ones.
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