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Stephanie | profile | all galleries >> Pets >> Violet tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


Introducing Violet. She was our 10 1/2 year old English Angora house rabbit, and was the only female from a litter of 13 baby bunnies. Violet hit the bunny jackpot when she came home to live with us, but we rabbit-wanna-be's were the lucky ones!

Violet for president ~ 2016
Violet for president ~ 2016
Eyes popping
Eyes popping
Time to go
Time to go
Lasering the elbow
Lasering the elbow
Hold Still
Hold Still
Me and my girl
Me and my girl
Steampunk family
Steampunk family
Biker bun
Biker bun
Violet's 9th birthday
Violet's 9th birthday
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Vote for Violet ~ 2012
:: Vote for Violet ~ 2012 ::
Vote for Violet ~ 2008
:: Vote for Violet ~ 2008 ::
Triptych 3
Triptych 3
#1 Steelers Fan
#1 Steelers Fan
Triptych 2
Triptych 2
Triptych 1
Triptych 1
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
An old fashioned girl
An old fashioned girl
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Merry Christmas!  Love, Violet
Merry Christmas! Love, Violet
Eat turkey ~ not rabbit!!!
Eat turkey ~ not rabbit!!!
Happy Fourth of July USA!!!
Happy Fourth of July USA!!!
Wishing you the luck 'o the Irish!
Wishing you the luck 'o the Irish!
Valentines 2010
Valentines 2010
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Violet's getting plucked
Violet's getting plucked
Where is Violet's eye?
Where is Violet's eye?
Violet digging into her Oxbow pellet bag
Violet digging into her Oxbow pellet bag
I'm watching you!
I'm watching you!
Sofa bun
Sofa bun
Pet me please
Pet me please
9 days after plucking
9 days after plucking
She just heard her daddy say Apple Violet
She just heard her daddy say "Apple Violet"
Violets plucking is done!!!
Violets plucking is done!!!
Violet and the boys
Violet and the boys
Queen of Rabbits Run
Queen of Rabbits Run
Violet loves homegrown parsley
Violet loves homegrown parsley
Violet's favorite treats
Violet's favorite treats
Violet T. Co-Pilot
Violet T. Co-Pilot
Watch Rabbit - Grrr......
Watch Rabbit - Grrr......
Violet loves homegrown blueberries
Violet loves homegrown blueberries
Bunny slippers
Bunny slippers
Patriotic Violet
Patriotic Violet
Checking out the bird's travel cage  1/4
Checking out the bird's travel cage 1/4
Hmm... this looks interesting  2/4
Hmm... this looks interesting 2/4
Let's see what's inside  3/4
Let's see what's inside 3/4
Violet loves her feathered friends travel cage  4/4
Violet loves her feathered friends travel cage 4/4