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Stephanie | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tarte Tatin tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tarte Tatin

Many thanks to a dear friend who provided me with expert advice on how to prepare an authentic Tarte Tartin. It is truly a dessert fit for a King!
The Tutorial
The Tutorial
Cut Puff pastry to 20 cm.
Cut Puff pastry to 20 cm.
Fan apple wedges, sprinkle w/sugar & top w/butter
Fan apple wedges, sprinkle w/sugar & top w/butter
Flip raw tart upside down in pan & cook over high heat until caramelized
Flip raw tart upside down in pan & cook over high heat until caramelized
After carmelizing, flip tarte onto baking sheet.  Then bake at 400* F for ~ 30 minutes
After carmelizing, flip tarte onto baking sheet. Then bake at 400* F for ~ 30 minutes
Cool slightly on baking sheet before serving
Cool slightly on baking sheet before serving
Voilą!  Serve with creme fraiche or ice cream
Voilą! Serve with creme fraiche or ice cream
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