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Foot fetish

Put your best foot forward and have a great weekend everyone!

Also uploaded today:

Canon PowerShot A540
1/60s f/5.5 at 23.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Lady Q10-Nov-2012 17:15
Guest 19-May-2012 08:51
That's some embellishment!
Sheila13-Dec-2011 12:26
000000hhh, my goodness I just love your shoes!
They are SO pretty!
laine22-Sep-2010 23:41
Those are not easy to Tango in...;)
Rosemarie Kusserow17-Sep-2010 06:35
It is too cold for flip flops here in Germany but I like yours and the color of your nails (especially with the bunny on them), nice pic, V
have a great weekend as well Steph!
Rosemarie :o)
Vince11-Sep-2010 15:40
Very pretty especially with your trademark on it Stephanie. Vote.
Blandine Mangin11-Sep-2010 07:11
un charmant détail ! v
Zoltán Balogh11-Sep-2010 06:27
This is lovely Stephanie...great and unique idea!:) V
slhoornstra11-Sep-2010 05:22
A lucky rabbit foot:).
Lee G11-Sep-2010 04:28
Carol Rollins11-Sep-2010 04:17
Very pretty sandals, Steph, and love those nails! ~
Cindi Smith11-Sep-2010 01:00
I love your sandals. I have some very similar! Made me smile! Have a great weekend, my dear!
Jim Coffman11-Sep-2010 00:38
That is to cool! V
Yvonne11-Sep-2010 00:04
Very pretty summer sandal, lovely!
marie-jose wolff10-Sep-2010 22:45
so pretty... V
Graeme10-Sep-2010 22:39
Lovely capture and lighting Stephanie.BV
Pete Hemington10-Sep-2010 22:28
Very unique toe painting!
Phillip Normanton10-Sep-2010 22:26
toe the line! :-)
Margot W10-Sep-2010 21:39
Love the flip flops, cute little toes and love the embellishment on the nail polish. You should get some made up.
Great Song!!! So long ago. Look at EJ. He's a baby.
Guest 10-Sep-2010 21:32
Wow!!!!You're ready for the party Steph!!!!
patou10-Sep-2010 21:25
Des ongles adaptés aux perles , belle prise !
Lee Rudd10-Sep-2010 21:15
put your best and painted foot forward!!
Mary Terry10-Sep-2010 21:12
Pretty painted toes! I like your flip flops. :)
Jean Chiasson10-Sep-2010 21:12
Beautiful artistic image bravo Stephanie vote
Jola Dziubinska10-Sep-2010 21:10
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